Pharmony Throat Syrup
Product details:
Glycerine is used in this formula for its soothing effect.Traditionally Glycerine has been used to help coat throats big and small.
For generations natural lemon oil has been used to ad flavour when sooting may be needed. Aniseed flavour gives the syrup a pleasant scent and taste which young children like.
With its unique formulation Pharmony uses a celulose thickner which helps the syrup adhere to the back of the throat and also gives it mucoadhesive properties. As a result the syrup remains in contact with the throat for a longer period of time.
Age Range
Suitable from 4 months.
This product is available in the following pack size:
100ml bottle
To be taken orally.
4 months ? 1 year:
? teaspoonful (2.5 ml) up to 4 times daily.
1 ? 5 years:
1 teaspoonful (5 ml) up to 4 times daily.
5 years +:
1-2 teaspoonfuls (5 ? 10 ml) up to 4 times daily.
For babies this product may be applied to the tongue or soother.